Friday, February 23, 2007

Fiber Friday 2/23

I have been super busy this week with fiber-y things. First, I finaly finished frogging and re-knitting my Lady Eleanor on the #9 needles. I am glad I did too. On the #7's, with 4 balls used, it was about 20 inches long if I stretched it. Now it is 36" long and has tons of extra drape!

I think I might be able to finish it in 7-8 balls instead of the 10 I had originaly estimated.
I also did some experamentation this week with spinning self striping singles. Ever since I started making the Lady E, I have been obsessed with self striping yarn.

Shag Carpet - just 1oz to practice spinning singles. I love the way it came out!

Plum - 4 oz of wool blend. The color changes are so beautiful and subtle on this one and its mate, Arakis

The last one I am working on is a combination of a bunch of different colors from SmokyMountainFibers . I also got Plum and Arakis from her shop. I cleaned out her shop earlier this fall and I have had all this wonderful fiber sitting around waiting for me to figure out what it wanted to be. The self striping experament seemed perfect for this fiber. I am calling it Shade Garden!

I have over 20 oz of different shades of green, blue and purple in random amounts. So I layed them out in order and I am spinning it all up into this yarn!