Thursday, June 08, 2006

Random Act of Art: Lobster Amigurumi

I was a participant this week in a Random Act of Art! This little lobster amigurumi was commissioned for a lobster lover.

I was contacted a couple weeks ago by a customer who wanted a lobster, but it had to be kept secret. After several attempts to get the claws just right, I made this little cutie.

I set photos to the customer and waited in anticipation for the approval all artists seek from patrons of their art. She loved it and sent me the address of the recipient. I read the name and address and laughed out loud!! Turns out it was for one of my cousins! I called my husband over to see the address. I gleefully packed the little guy in his shipping container and sent him on his cross country journey. I heard today that he had been happily received!

So now that he has arrived in his new home, I can share him with all of you. He was a lot of fun to make and has been sent to a wonderful person.

Thank you for letting me be a part of this Random Act of Art!