Thanks to all my loyal readers. I have grown tired of the struggle with blogger and I have moved my blog to wordpress. You can find it at
Please remember to update your Bloglines, Google Readers, or your prefered method of blog reading because I hope you will follow me to the new site. All the same posts are there. All the comments that were lost in the Haloscan incident have been restored. Unfortunately this caused the loss of the comments from the past month. I have all the links to other blogs on my side bar and I will be slowly adding back all my badges and other frew fraw on my side bar as time permits.
Thank you for your understanding and loyal readership!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Posted by
11:04 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tour Update

And because this is just a super cool photo, this little guy was found by Joe out by the laundry room. I have been living in the desert all my life and this is the first time I have ever seen a horned toad out in the wild! My husband shot this great photo of him just chillin' by the sidewalk.
Posted by
8:50 AM
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I Live
I am still alive and crafting! Things have been a little out of control for the past week or so. 90% of my craft supplies have been packed. I kept out some small projects and some fiber to keep me company.

- Crochet in a spiral increasing 9 stitches each round using a G hook
- Hand spun wool blend in a chunky weight
- Three colorways from Spunky Eclectic were used: Toronto and Nova Scotia were spun together to make the center and the border, Path Less Taken was used for the middle band.

And a photo of what I have begun calling The Painted Lady!Her paint is FINALY done correctly (third time's the charm, tons of drama) and we are supposed to get the keys sometime between Friday and Wednesday. Kind of like waiting for the cable man when they tell you he will be there between 10am and June. The front door is the same color red as the trim.
Posted by
4:35 PM