Monday, December 04, 2006
See my yarn at The Yarn Museum!
I wanted to tell everybody about the Yarn Museum! It is a website that has been set up to honor the artistry and beauty of handspun yarn. Photos can be submitted in several different galleries. It is free and open to all levels of spinners. There are several galleries that are currently open for viewing. I have been spending hours looking at all the AMAZING yarns hung in the galleries and peruzing the websites of the spinners. What a fantastic way to bring the spinning community together to celebrate their artistry!
You can see my yarn in the First Skein Gallery and the Inaugural Show: Anything Goes.
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10:03 AM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Sorry this was so long in comming
As I was reminded recently ;) It has been a couple months since I updated my blog, so this will be a very LOOONG update. I have done so many things in that time! For a few weeks I was burried in custom orders and unable to spend time creating new babies. And it was about the time that I was getting out from under all that when SHE walked into my life.
Ok, it was more like She was lugged to my doorstep by a very understanding Mail Lady, and she hardly ever leaves my side now. She is a Majacraft Little Gem II named Aurora. I know, totaly cheesy name for a spinning wheel, but in my mind it was the perfect name for a wheel. I have her set up next to the computer so now it is like one of those L shaped desks you see in those big office stores, except instead of having drawers or a printer I have Aurora and a table for holding the wool bits I am working with.
She is my constant companion and my new obsession! I have now accumulated enough wool to fill two of those XXXL zip lock bags to the top ( I think they are about 3" tall ). I found such wonderful wool from online sellers, or dealers as I have affectionately named them. My husband is so understanding about the two complete sheep I have squirreled away in the closet. He has even started calling dibs on his favorite rovings when they come in the mail.
And after reading all of this, I am sure you want to see what I have been doing! Here are some of the yarns that I have spun up.This one is an Orange/Pink/Red combination. It was from my favorite Dealer, Spunky Eclectic ! She has the best colorways for her rovings at the best prices! And she is evil too. She sends out emails to let you know when she has new things in her store. EVIL TEASE!! I love it : ) There was 3 oz of bulky weight wool blend in this skein. It was about 100 yards and has found a nice home
This one is Corriedale in differerent shades of Green. It is 3 oz of worsted weight yarn, about 114 yards. Also from Spunky. It still needs a home.
This is 3 oz of a Merino worsted weight spun yarn combining Blue, White and Purple. There is about 147 yards of this available in my shop currently.
This is 3 oz of a Purple/Pink BFL combo that found a home earlier this week. It was a worsted weight and there was about 100 yards. It was so soft!
Before this one was even off the wheel, my Son had called dibs on it. There was 3 oz, so I made him a hat.
This one is for ME! I called it "Still Life With Yarn" because it reminded me of a bowl of fruit, apples, grapes, pears. I am spinning it in between other yarns. I am planning to use this and some deep burgundy that I have to spin still to make a shawl for me!
I had called this one "Atomic Cherry Cordial" because it was this nice chocolate brown color mixed with SHOCKING Pink. It looked irradiated! It has found a home too.
This is Freckled Lemonade. It looks like Lemonade with Strawberries in it! So fun and bright. There is 2 oz of worsted weight yarn, about 100 yards available currently in my shop
I have two different skeins of this color. I called it Cherry Limeade. One skein is 4 oz of a sport/DK weight, about 276 yards. The second is 4 oz of a worsted weight, about 200 yards. Both can be seen at my shop.
I didn't know what direction I wanted to go with the yarn in my shop. Then I decided that there are lots of small skeins of yarn available, but not many skeins with lots of yardage. I asked some people that I know what they would prefer and they agreed that larger yardages would be nice. I decided I would focus on spinning 4+ oz skeins from now on. I still need to purchase a jumbo flyer, but I have my second mega skein available!
So I present to you Swimming Lessons! It is my favorite colorway by far! It is Superwash Merino. There is 8 oz of it total, 424 yards. It is such a beautiful combination of blues and greens. So cool and SOFT like you would not believe!
So, if you actually read through all of that, that is what I have been up to the past few weeks. I have also made custom orders of my pre-existing designs, but mostly I have been focusing on the spinning.
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10:54 AM